Tree Services companies are not equal and you know that by looking at their quotes, what they are offering and the number of years of experience each they carry. But before you even hire them, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you go hiring them.
Q1. How does the Company’s licensing matter?
Ans: It matters. There is a specific Oregon CCB licensing agency for tree companies in Oregon. Licensing is the way to show that the tree services you provide are legal and genuine. It is also good to get it licensed because the company is insured and protected. Oregon state requirement has liability coverage of $300,000 and the Portland State has $1M policy.
Q2. Are you liable or responsible if a mishap happens at your place?
Ans: Mishaps like a tree service professional getting injured in your property can make you liable if they do not have the worker’s compensation policy. You need to make sure that their boss covers for them when they work on your property. There are chances that if you allow an uninsured worker into your property, you or your homeowner may be liable.
Q3. Do a certified arborist is required?
Ans: Though it is not prescribed the law, it is better to have high quality or standard person in the industry to protect the trees and you safely. Tree Services professionals are very hardworking and they need to do it with precision. One bad tree pruning can destroy a tree. In addition to that, you cannot replace a large tree owing to the slow rate of growth. Thus, they have to undergo enough training and written test to pass the certification. There are many methodologies and technology have even reached to these services too. You will find one method pretty outdated. Thus, it is important to have a certified arborist working for you who keeps on updating his knowledge and try out new methods that save time.
Q4. Which kind of equipment is important?
Ans: The equipment that works great and is proper is the best kind of equipment. It should make the work smooth and then get the whole thing completed very quickly. Apart from that, a pickup truck and two personnel are enough to get the job done. You might have dump trucks and the chipper which will help clean the debris. The high powered updated and blowers will clean all the debris after the tree cutting services have been offered. It is the company’s etiquette and ethics that they clean the worksite once the work is done. Thus, safety and climbing equipment also form an important role here. To get the job done safely, equipment of good quality is necessary. With the right equipment, you can expect the work to be done in a day.
Thus, these are the questions you need to ask before you hire a Beaverton Tree Service. Apart from that, you need to make sure that the company you are hiring is giving the lowest bid, high value and has safety with insurance for its employees.